Thank you for your interest in attending and covering the 2023 Chelsea Film Festival. The Festival Press Office grants press accreditation to a limited number of journalists. Accredited press receive limited complimentary screening tickets.

The press credential application process for the 2023 Festival is currently open and close on October 10th. We review every complete application submitted by the deadline. No preference is given to those who apply early, but late applications will not be considered. We will notify all applicants of their status at the end of September. Given the high number of applicants, we are not able to accommodate everyone.

To apply for a press accreditation, submit the form below:

Requirements for Media Accreditation

Media accreditation is strictly reserved for members of the press – print, photo, radio, TV, film, news agencies and online media – who represent a bona fide media organization. Accreditation will be granted upon presentation of valid press credentials including:

  1. Completed accreditation form
  2. Letter of assignment on official letterhead of a media organization signed by the Publisher/Assignment Editor, Editor-in-chief or Bureau Chief, specifying the name and functional title of the journalist. Unsigned letters or e-mails will not be accepted.
  3. Photocopy of a valid press card/work pass
  4. Photocopy of passport/national ID card

Independent broadcast or film production companies are required to provide a letter from a broadcast organization or film distributor, which has committed to air or distribute the work or from the UN partner organization that supports the production.

Print media representatives are required to submit two bylined articles within the past four months and a copy of the publication.

Radio and TV media representatives are required to submit two recordings of reports within the past four months.

Photographers are required to submit original tear sheets or photos with credits of the issuing organization.

Online media must meet the following requirements, in addition to those above:

  • The web publication must belong to a registered company, such as a media organization, and have a
    specific, verifiable non-web address and a telephone number.
  • The online journal requesting accreditation for its correspondent must have a substantial amount of original
    news content or commentary or analysis on relevant issues.
  • If the web site is new, the applicant seeking accreditation must provide the latest data on the site’s visitors or other relevant material (press citations, etc.) about the outlet’s audience. The applicant must have an established record of having written extensively on relevant issues and must present copies of three recently published articles with his/her byline.

Freelance Journalists: Freelance journalists can only obtain accreditation for a specific event or time period. Freelance journalists, including photographers, must provide clear evidence they are on assignment from a specific news organization or publication. A valid assignment letter from that news organization, or publication, is required.

For any additional information, please contact:

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